Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Road Trip! The Garden State, Part 2: Independence Day

One of my very favorite resources offered by the Federal government is C-SPAN.  Two channels of Congressional debate?  Sign me up.  Yes, I know this makes me a total geek but I minored in political science so it goes with the territory.  Anyway, one of the best things about C-SPAN is that during election years they cover all party conventions instead of just the two big ones like the major networks.  During their coverage of the 2000 Green Party convention this song was playing in the background and that was the first time I heard it.  I played Eddie Vedder's cover from a Ralph Nader rally on 9/11 but today I want to share with you the songwriter's version.  "I Am a Patriot" was written by Steven Van Zandt and while he may be best known now as Silvio Dante on The Sopranos he spent a lot of time with the E Street Band and with his own band, Little Steven and the Disciples of Soul.  This video is from 1984 and the definition of a patriot as someone who "questions every motherfucker everywhere, everytime" is right on.  It cuts off at an odd place but I love this performance.  Happy Independence Day!


  1. I didn't know this and as someone whose patriotism is often not considered good enough, I was glad to learn about it!

  2. Great definition of patriot. Thanks Jazzbaby1:)

    1. Glad you liked it! He's a much deeper performer than Silvio, as much as I love that character.


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